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Browse and Use Models

Model Hub Website

All models uploaded to our Model Hub are accessible for infrence through OpenGradient. To browse all available models on OpenGradient, you can go to OpenGradient Hub, our frontend for the Model Hub:

On our Hub website, you can find models of various types and use-cases, including: LLMs, Risk models, Dynamic fee models, Image Generation, and more. There are no restrictions on the types of models you can upload and find.

Pre-deployed Models

Below, we compiled a list of commonly used models we pre-deployed to OpenGradient. You might find useful for generic tasks:

Model NameTypeModel ID
Llama-3 7BText Generation...
Llama-3 40BText Generation...
Stable Diffusion XImage Generation...

Using Models

Models uploaded to our Hub can be used directly on the OpenGradient network either through native smart contracts or through our Python SDK.

When you want to use a specific model, the first step is to obtain its unique CID from Portal. The CID needs to point to an executable (i.e. ONNX) model file, e.g., dynamic_fee_model.onnx.

OpenGradient 2024